Sunday, June 5, 2011

What devices do you use?

I don't know who is visiting my blog yet as its only a day old. So I hope this post will get whoever happens to visit to comment, everyone that reads this has to have some phone, gadget, laptop, netbook, video game system or computer.

You can talk about whatever you want, your experiences with any app or device and likes or dislikes about it. Tell us about your favorite games or whats on your wish list, maybe its a Kinect to add to your Xbox 360 or a new tablet like the iPad 2 or Motorola Xoom. Picture of Xoom with dock and keyboard accessories.

Personally I do everything on my home computer, its a system I built 6 years ago and I've had to replace and upgrade almost everything inside to keep up with the demand for more power through the years. If I ever have some extra money I'd love to get a new killer system but I'm saving for a motorcycle right now so it has to wait.

I'd also like to get a tablet and although I love Android I would choose an iPad 2 over the others until I see a different tablet that runs as flawlessly as an Apple.

I use a Samsung Intercept running Android now, I had a Droid with Verizon when it came out and loved it but it was lost and we switched to Sprint. They had a promotion running so I ended up with 3 of these phones for myself, my wife and my daughter. None of us like the Intercepts, they are underpowered and need to be rebooted daily to get them to run halfway decent.

I rooted mine which is like jail breaking an iPhone in order to have more control over it and to remove what the development community would call bloatware. Those are the apps that come preinstalled and they take up precious memory on the phones internal storage.

In July we will be one year into our contract and all three of us will upgrade to new phones, the discount isn't that great but we hate these crappy Samsung Intercepts so much it will be worth it.

My daughter Ivy is going to get the HTC Evo Shift 3D because she likes having a real keyboard for texting. My wife will probably go for the regular Evo since we expect a special price with the new 3D versions arriving. I would like the Evo 3D but if money is scarce I will happily settle for the regular Evo.

After a year with these Intercepts we will be one happy family, all of us have wanted to throw these phones off a bridge more than a million times. I miss having a powerful phone and can't wait for a bigger screen. We were with AT&T some years back and all had iPhone 3GS, they were great phones but I'm an Android guy and you just can't enjoy the Android operating system on anything but the most powerful phones.

I had to get my daughter an iPod Touch just so she could enjoy playing games and lets face it, Android has nowhere near the amount of games as Apple anyway. I gave up trying to play Angry Birds on my Samsung, it is so sluggish as to make it unplayable. I can't wait to get my Evo and actually enjoy sitting in the waiting room at my dentist again lol. Ivy settled for the 3rd generation iPod Touch even though the new model with a built in camera using Facetalk is out. She new she would never use this function and was happy to save me over 100 dollars. Don't worry Ivy you'll have a front facing camera on your Evo Shift soon enough!

My advice to anyone thinking of getting an Android is do not take a deal from Sprint, Verizon, T-Mobile or AT&T for any old Android phone just because it is cheap. Get the top of the line or you will regret your decision, Apple owners are lucky in that respect since all iPhones work great. The Android market is flooded with underpowered and ill designed phones from the likes of Samsung, Kryocera and Sanyo.

I will be using an Apple iPhone 3G at home on wifi just so I can review apps for it starting next week, thanks to my sister Suzanne for donating it to me since she upgraded to the iPhone 4. She is a big time Apple user since she loves photography and uses a Macbook Pro as well as the iPad.

I am a strong proponent of Netflix as such we have no cable in our home. I have wifi in the house going to every room and two TVs picking up the Internet via Sony Bluray players with built in wifi. So everyone watches their shows on Netflix and they can also view all of my DVD collection streamed from my main PC backups on a program called Vuze. Vuze is installed on my computer and the Sony players pick up the feed, so everyone can watch from over 400 titles in those rooms. You can get a Bluray dvd player for less than 100 dollars with built in wifi and 3D ready, careful don't get one that doesn't say built in wifi. Many come wifi ready which means you still have to purchase an adapter costing upwards of 40 dollars.

In our bedroom the PC monitor is used to watch our shows, its 32 inches. I miss my old 50 inch plasma but one day we will get a big screen again. I would love to get some 50 inch TV with 3D and the Internet built in.

I used to play World of Warcraft for years but I'm getting old so I gave my account away to my daughters friend, I don't even play Modern Warfare anymore. I still love gaming and mostly read about the latest ones but I tend to stick to a quick game of Peggle or Plants vs. Zombies.

I think I'm rambling but I actually made this particular blog for just that reason and I invite you to comment as much and as often as you like. I will finish my post with my wish list for 2011 gadgets.

1. HTC Evo 3D 2. iPad 2 3. New PC with an Intel Core i7 inside. 4 50 inch 3D, wifi television. and lastly just for the heck of it a Nintendo 3DS.

The Evo 3D has a front facing camera for video calls and two on the back for 3D photography, is that sweet or what? You can also take regular 2D pictures of course. Unfortunately the new design does not include a kickstand but you'll just have to buy a case with one to make up for it.

So thats it for now, thanks for visiting and if you read this entire post you deserve a virtual gold star :) take care and tomorrow I will talk in depth about some amazingly cool gadget.

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